2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Good evening, how do I apply for admission in a university as an international student

I am an undergraduate, I just finished highschool

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2 answers

2 years ago[edited]

@Juanita congratulations on graduating high school

This answer is for your and any other Int'l student. So ideally you want to apply to US Colleges during your last year of high school, not after you graduate because the applications cycle starts in the fall, as early as October and November with most application deadlines around Jan. 1 or Jan 15.

So you have already missed the applications cycle for most US colleges offering 4-year degrees and will not be able to matriculate into college this Fall 2022 semester which starts in about 6 weeks. You will apply as a Fall 2023 incoming freshman and get your applications in between the months of Oct and January depending on where you apply.

There are some schools that accept applications on a rolling basis so you might be able to apply soon and enter into the Spring 2023 semester, but I'm not sure what schools those are.

Probably one of the most important factors for International Students is their ability to pay for college for 4 years. While it is a big consideration for Americans, there are far more available grants, loans, and scholarships available to Americans than Int'l students. If your family has the ability to fund your college education in the US, you will have 100 times and many schools to choose from than if you require a substantial amount of financial assistance.

The rule of thumb is that 100% fully funded scholarships to Int'l Students are not widely available and limited to only about 10-20 colleges out of the 4300 schools. These are mostly the Ivy League, Stanford, Amherst, Duke, and some other top Elite schools. Unless you are one of the best students in your State or Country, it will be difficult to compete with other applicants from your demographic because colleges will compare you to other top students from your region of the world.

College admissions are extremely complicated and even more complicated for international students because on top of the normal paperwork, often you need to get your transcripts translated, evidence of your English ability through tests like TOEFL, IELTS, and DUO LINGO, Travel VISAs, and will face more difficulty preparing for and traveling to take your SAT and ACT tests. Although most US colleges are test-optional, the most successful admits have submitted a good SAT or ACT score in the past three admissions cycles. I highly recommend that you have a good SAT or ACT score to submit if you are seriously considering attending college in the US.

I don't know much about what you have done to prepare for college but grades, GPA, course rigor and extracurricular activities, and your ability to write well are very important.

Since you do have some time this summer and fall to further your college preparedness I would highly recommend that you work on your SAT or ACT, and your essay writing ability, and make sure there are no obvious holes in your transcript like missing math or science classes. If you have holes, then you should take those classes as soon as possible.

One of the key resources you need to do right away is to locate some college students who come from your hometown and country and have completed the college admissions process to US colleges. That will be most helpful because they come from the same demographic as you and you can discuss things in your local language.

I would also encourage you to watch as many youtube videos about applying to US colleges as an Int'l Student. When you have a better idea of what kind of schools you think you are both qualified to get into and those you feel you can afford to attend, I'm certain there will be plenty of volunteers here ready to help with specific questions.

There is no short 5 step process to start. You can start on this CV website, create a CV profile with your information and data and start making college lists. You will know within a day's work what kind of schools you are qualified to attend.

Good luck

2 years ago

Start with building a list of universities you would like to apply to.

Most universities will accept Common App, so make an account. For those that do not accept Common App, check for specifications on the university websites.

If you have taken the SAT/ACT, have your score(s) sent to the universities.

Write the Common App essay and other supplemental essays specific to your list of colleges.

Reach out to high school teachers and guidance counselor for recommendation letters.

I don't know if colleges are still accepting applications, so you might need to apply for Spring 2023.

Fill out the FAFSA this October.

Don't procrastinate till the deadline is nearby.

Hope this helps.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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