2 years ago
Admissions Advice

The new SAT

Hello! I’m in the class of 2025 and we will be the first class to take the new digital sat. I want to prepare as early as possible and I’ve already signed up for an sat tutoring course at Princeton review. However its worrying me that the content I’m studying isn’t going to be the same on the new digital sat. Does anyone know if studying from textbooks with the old formatting is not effective for the new digital sat that’s coming? Im scared im wasting money.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

No one knows exactly what the new SAT will be like, but that doesn't make the old material useless. They are changing the test pattern, but it's still a standardized test meant to check college readiness and compare students all over the globe. Therefore, it should still be testing the same concepts though in a different manner.

I do recommend trying to find new study material but don't worry if you are unable to do so. Studying or prepping based on the old SAT will help develop the skills and knowledge required for the new one. If you are thorough with the material, you should score well.

Good luck for the new exam!

2 years ago[edited]

I do think it may be wiser to save your money and not purchase more than one textbook. Perhaps it is wiser to wait until new study guides are released specifically for the digital SAT. But those textbooks for the paper and pencil SAT will still prepare you for the digital one, regardless. I hope this answer helps! Best of luck!

2 years ago

Personally, I believe a balanced mix of both textbook information and newer information from verified sources is your best bet. Since this digital SAT is sort of new news to me I can't say much of the SAT itself, but I've had a lot of experience with standardized tests. I can say with confidence that most standardized tests take a lot of their material from both textbooks and newer relevant information sources as well. I would not say that SAT tutoring is a waste of money, but I don't think it would benefit you as much if you only did the tutoring. If there is a way to do a little bit of both, that seems like the best option.

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