2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Lack of Internships in my country

I am a rising senior who is a foreign-residing US citizen. I hear people say that internships are essential for your college apps. However, in my country of residence, organizations and institutions rarely offer internships for high-school students. Will colleges factor this in or will I be treated on par with the other domestic applicants?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Colleges generally consider what opportunities are available to students (what classes and clubs your school offers, etc.) and will compare you against other applicants from your region/country. The most important thing is that you take advantage of the opportunities available to you!

Moreover, internships are not "essential" for your college apps (though they certainly support it!). There are tons of other activities and extracurriculars that you can participate in that are just as strong, interesting and impressive as an internship.

2 years ago

Hey @SkepticalWojak

So, as far as I have researched, colleges will compare you on-par with other people in your area or in the international applicant's sector. They will look at the opportunities available around you and how you have taken advantage of them. If you feel as though this is something important you want to mention, you can drop a hint at the lack of opportunities but your continued passion in the field in one of your essays or ask your counselor to do it in their school report or letter.

Good luck, hope this helps!

2 years ago

Internships are usually meant for college students, not for high school students. You are not expected to have internships in high school. However, you can go for volunteering as an extracurricular activity. Volunteering can be helping in community service, tutoring, or something of that kind.

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