2 years ago
Admissions Advice


I'm a junior and I haven't figured out what i want to do in the the future. I am interested in Computer Science, Marketing, Buisness and Nutrition. I have a passion for football, sports, and video games. IF I were to apply to a college for computer science but i have mostly football related activties as my big spike will that be bad or is it better if I have 2-3 activties in different areas which I have right now. I’m really in a stuck area right now between trying to be well rounded and having a big spike. For sports/football I play football and was a freshman, and JV captain and I hope to crack Varsity this year. I also am a coach of a youth flag football team. I also started a football club at my school the last year and am president of ultimate frisbee and I am trying to get a competitive team here. For Video games I have created a couple of my own small video games and look to make more hopefully. I also have my own tutoring business where I teach math, english, and coding so far Javascript, Python, an Html I even coded my own webpage for it. For computer science I did what i just said, I also am a member of Coding Club and I think I can get vice president this year and I placed 8th in state for the school of mines coding competition. For business I have my tutoring business and I also run my own baking business with one of my good friends and this past year we did a fundraiser where we raised $521 for a teacher at our school who lost her home in the Marshall Fires. I also do FBLA where I can hopefully get a leadership role this upcoming year. I am also a member of chess club and key club. I also have a job at Topgolf as a food runner. I am in a club called knowledge bowl and have a high chance of being vice president where we won state back to back years and placed 2nd in nationals my freshman year and placed 5th this year at Nationals.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

That's quite impressive. To me, it sounds like you are very well-rounded.

First of all, NO ONE applies to or enters college knowing EXACTLY what they are going to do in the future. This isn't the first time you're going to hear this. Go undecided! This is the path that many students take. You'll definitely have an idea of what you'd like to do by the end of your freshman year.

Second of all, you could look into colleges that put a strong emphasis on an open-curriculum education. An open-curriculum education allows students to take classes that interest them while fulfilling their major requirements. That way, for instance, if you plan on applying to college for football (your big spike), you'll be able to take computer science, business, marketing, and nutrition classes as well through the open-curriculum. However, are you planning on playing college level football? I'm not too familiar with how recruiting works so I'm not the person to ask.

You have A LOT of extracurriculars and achievements. Definitely mention those in your applications. It'll show your leadership and willingness to make change, and that's what colleges love to see. Best of luck! Don't worry!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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