2 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP Exams

I've discussed self-studying with my mother, and she agreed! I'm doing mostly honors with AP Human Geography. Since I'm a 9th grader and this is my first time, which should I take? I'm assuming just the ones tied to my honors classes, but I'm kind of nervous and want to start a little simple. These are my Honors:

- Biology

- Spanish 2

- 9th Lit/Comp

- Acc Alg 1/Geo (stupidly didnt take Alg 1 in 8th ):

My family is also low-income and I may need advice on lowering my fees with the financial aid.


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Two classes I'd add to the other answers are AP US History and AP World History. Both of these classes are not as challenging as something like AP Physics, and can even be easy depending on your teacher. They also teach important writing and analysis skills that you can use in any class or career field for the rest of your life. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

hey there! i took ap human geography my 9th grade year (i'm a sophomore this year) and got a 3, so this class is easy. personally, i think you should wait until you finish your honors classes before starting any ap classes in that area. Ap psychology is a good class for self studying and ap environmental science is supposed to be easy, although i cannot speak for that one. Good Luck!

2 years ago

Yes, you definitely want to start simple. AP classes are hard no matter how smart of a person you are. AP human geography is an easy class. However, AP classes that are tied to your honors classes are some of the most difficult ones. AP Biology, AP Spanish, AP English (Language and Literature). You can take AP Biology next year after you have taken Biology honors and have some exposure to it.

AP Spanish: it depends upon how confident you are right now. I would recommend taking Spanish 3 honors and then taking AP Spanish if you are a non-native speaker. If you are a native speaker, you can take it right now if you want.

The same thing applies to AP English.

For Math, you would first need to take Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and precalculus to be ready for AP Calculus AB/BC. You can try taking AP Statistics but I would recommend completing Algebra 2 for that.

As you can see, AP classes for core subjects like Math, Science, English, and Social Studies are very difficult. You should definitely take the honors classes first to get exposure to the topic and then take the AP class.

There are other AP classes such as AP Psychology, AP environmental science, and AP computer science principles that are fairly easy courses. These take some time but are not nearly as difficult or time-consuming as the APs for core subjects.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Hope this helps and good luck!

2 years ago

Hi! I took AP Human geography freshmen year, it was fairly easy. Congrats on challenging yourself! From what I have heard some of my peers say, college admissions value challenging yourself and increasing that challenge or maintaining it every year.

Since you are hoping to get college credit with AP classes, I would suggest attempting to plan ahead. Most colleges will clearly state the required courses for a particular major. Once you have a rough idea of the major you want to enroll in, check to see if any credits will cross over through the colleges website and College board. I am taking AP LIT next year because I know that most colleges will require an English course. It would be great if I did not have to take it.

For sophomore year, I would suggest taking AP computer science principles. It is a suppper introductory course for computer science. You will learn how computers think and the basics of coding, which is becoming increasingly more important in todays society.

AP Seminar and Research in my experience were fairly easy courses if you are good at writing. Plus you will get research experience in Highschool, which is an amazing opportunity!

Congratulations for already challenging yourself in highschool! You will go far!

2 years ago


This all sounds nice! I took AP hug my freshman year and it was ok. Self-studying is going to be hard and you are going to have to take the time to find resources for yourself. There are tons of pdfs, study guides, online communities(like discord), and much more on the internet. One tip for this class is that the questions can get very specific so make sure you take the time to study the vocab and, more importantly, understand the concepts. Your classes look great! I wish I could have tooken accelerated math and geo. That is a time saver! Don't stress yourself out and try out new things, both academically and out of the classroom.

Good Luck, we're rooting for ya!

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