2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Common app essay topic

Hello, is writing about my social anxiety, how I overcame it and how extracurriculars helped me with it a cliche topic? If so how can I write it in an interesting and unique way? Thank you

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@YusufBennett2 years ago [edited]

This is a hot topic today.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! I don't see why not, but make sure to focus more on the overcoming part. It shouldn't sound like a therapy session. Colleges won't take you seriously if it sounds like you're venting. Of course, describe your struggles (show, not tell), but don't vent. To make it interesting and unique, think about your writing strengths. Are you strong at creating descriptive imagery? Are you strong at creating metaphors? Do you have a rich, diverse vocabulary? Are you an organized writer? Use that to your advantage. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi! Essay Hub review https://essay-reviews.com/essayhub-review is the best company that I found.Before hiring an essay writing service, check out the terms and policies. Read them thoroughly. Make sure they're honest about their policies and terms. If they don't stand behind their work, you're better off going with another option. You can also read testimonials from former customers to get a feel for their overall satisfaction with a particular service. A great essay writing service will have policies that are clearly stated and easy to understand.

2 years ago

It is a fairly common topic, but you can certainly make it your own because everyone experiences social anxiety differently. Your essay will stand out if you write it with vivid narrative rather than directly stating facts. Focus on the people involved in the extracurriculars who helped you, rather than just the activities themselves. Dialogue is a good way to highlight these people. Also, be sure to write a creative intro that catches readers by surprise. Ideally, your conclusion will tie back to your intro too. Hope this helps!

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