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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take SAT even if it is test optional?

Hi, I know this question is asked a lot but I want to add my perspective. I am a rising senior. I have a 3.98 unweighted GPA and by the end of my senior year will have taken 4 honors courses and 5 AP courses. My activities include National Honor Society (secretary for my senior year), Journalism (editor), drama club, film club, Student Ambassadors, Student Gov. (9th/10th grade), and Varsity Softball/Basketball. I also created an environmental club/initiative at my school. My dream university is Duke. So far, I've attended three different high schools overseas in three years because my dad is in the military. I never got to take the SAT because of COVID-19 and I am wondering if I need to now. Since Duke is now test-optional I don't think I need to take an SAT because since I never took it I feel it will harm my chances of getting into Duke. (I got 1160 on my junior PSAT.) Should I take the SAT?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

Since Duke middle 50% is like 1460/1570 something like that, I wouldn't submit and SAT score unless you think you could improve on your PSAT 1160 by 300 points or greater. You have no less than 5 opportunities to take the SAT however most people would honestly tell you that getting a 300 point increase will only happen if you start now and work all summer and put like 150-200 hours into studying all the write books, excelling at Kahn Academy and taking 10 or more full-length practice tests. This is not for everyone. There are some very motivated students on youtube that have shown a 300 point progression from the PSAT to SAT but it's not easy. I improved from my 10th grade PSAT to 11th grade 130 pts and then 90 more pts to my current SAT. And I mostly studied last summer and put about 150 hours 6 days a week, studying 5 days M-F and then taking a weekly practice test. It's hard to stay motivated because your practice test scores are not always linear improvements. Mine looked like a see saw so sometimes it got 1300 and then 1490 and then back down to 1370 then up to 1450. Also depending on what version of the SAT you get, it might be curved easier on math or curved easier on English. You might miss only 1 section questions and get docked 30 pts, or 50 pts for 2 wrong. And the same raw score on another exam might be a 780/790, not a 750. It's really up to you but don't sign up for it unless you are willing to put the effort into it.

5 years ago[edited]

Hi there! Personally, I think your courses, grades, and extracurriculars look great. If you think you're good to go, then don't waste your time studying and taking the SAT. Good luck on getting into your dream school! You got this.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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