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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurricullars look really good for medical school?

Hi! I am having a lot of trouble finding extracurriculars that can add to my resume as an aspiring future medical student. Alot of the oppurtunities I have found that sound great are out of state and in person (I live in kansas) or cost alot. Does anyone know any great medical related activities that I can add to my resume to stand out from others that are near kansas or like missouri (or that may even be accessible online)?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hello! Personally, I am an aspiring veterinary student, so we're in similar boats with this. I'm a small town girl, so I get where you're coming from. Extracurriculars are hard to find! I've found a couple of good options, though…

1. Job shadow at your local medical facility, if possible. Find a place where you can consistently work around your field of interest.

2. Get an internship! That's pretty much the next step after job shadowing. Sometimes unpaid internships can be frustrating, but it's a really amazing place to start. It shows your dedication to the field.

3. Get a job at a medical facility, or somewhere that deals with your field of interest. That's what I'm going into this fall, and it looks great on a college application, especially if you're starting early.

4. Look for extracurriculars that could be a little out of the box. Just because medical school is your goal doesn't mean you can't explore other extracurriculars. The more the better! From my experience, it helps you appear well-rounded.

5. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. The animal shelter? Yes! Retirement home? Go for it! Volunteering is not only a great way to get involved in the community, but also looks great on college resumés.

Hope this helped!

3 years ago

This CollegeVine blog post has some suggestions for you. These are all activities that you could do at school or with local medical professionals. Hope this helps!

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