2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do top schools require students to have taken AP Calculus in High School if they want to major in Finance/Business?

I started freshman year in Algebra 1 and will only be able to take Pre-Calculus and AP Statistics by the time I graduate. If an applicant has not taken AP Calculus and instead ended with Pre-calculus and AP Stats by the time they apply to college, are they at a significant disadvantage when applying to a Finance/Business major at an elite school?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

If you take Algebra 2 or Pre-Calc during the summer, you can take AP Calc senior year. Having calculus under your belt will make you a more competitive applicant at certain top schools. It's certainly not required that you need HS Calculus to study Finance but without it, you are going to have take Calculus in college as a core requirement for Finance degrees. You are most likely not going to need it until Junior or Senior year when you take Advanced Finance classes covering Option Pricing models and Derivatives.

Good luck.

2 years ago

Hi! A lot of university's realize that not all schools have an AP calculus course and may not require it. However, since you are wanted to go to an elite school, I am unsure and not experienced enough to give you an answer.

A lot of universities will clearly spell out what the minimum requirements are for admittance into specific programs on their website. It is definitely worth digging around on the websites of universities that interest you for admittance requirements.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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