I thought that taking a ap class would be stressful for me and now looking back at it I regret not taking an ap class or G) College-preparatory elective. Is there something I can do or a club that u can join that will allow me to get that a-g requirements?
From what I know joining a club will not fulfill the G) college-prep elective requirement. But according to this --> https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/guide/a-g-subject-requirements/g-college-preparatory-elective/ , if you take for example a 4th year of math then that would satisfy the G requirement because technically for the C mathematics requirement you only need 3 years, so taking a 4th yr would be going beyond the requirement. Also, if you're still worried or unsure I recommend talking to your school counselor and asking them about what class you can take in order to fulfill the requirement, you never know maybe you already fulfilled it but you just didn't know. Cause I'm pretty sure that taking an ap class is not the only way to fulfill the G requirement. Hope this helps :)
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