I have to take SAT this December. Now that the SAT Subject tests are not available anymore, I wonder which calculator is best for the SAT. Do I need a graphic calculator or is a scientific calculator enough?
You don't really need a graphing calculator for the SAT, but if you're planning to use the same calculator for APs, check this out: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/calculator-policies. If you're going to appear for AP Calculus(either AB or BC) or AP Stats, you will require a graphing calculator. If not, you should be fine with a scientific calculator.
The list of approved calculators for the SAT is similar to that of AP, but just check this before purchasing one:https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/what-to-bring-do/calculator-policy
Hope this helps.
I use a Texas Instruments TI-84. It's like the most popular one and something you can keep in your desk for future math or statistics classes as well. It's easy to use which is why I like it. Some other brands like Hewlett Packard and perhaps Casio have calcs. but they have their own proprietary way you need to enter data, which is not intuitive. So you have to invest some time re-learning how to use those calculators. CollegeBoard has an approved list of calcs. but believe me, most of those are not intuitive calculators to use, so I wouldn't order anything off that list. I would go to the store and try it out if you are not buying a TI-84.
Hope that helps
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To add on: graphing calculators can be really helpful on the SAT (especially with systems of equations problems) IF you know how to use them. If you're more familiar with a different type of calculator, use that, but don't discount the value of a graphing calculator.