I’m an uprising senior—during 2023-2024 I will be a freshmen in college. I’ve heard that some universities or colleges don’t require the SAT or ACT scores during the school year I will be a freshmen, so I’m wondering if I should really study for the tests. Will it affect my chances if getting into any Cal States, UC’s, etc?
For the SAT and ACT if you don't submit a score/take the tests they will not affect your chances at all. Especially for Cal States and UCs, if you do decide to submit a score then they will use it for placement for your classes but it has no part in the admissions decision. But it definitely doesn't hurt if you have a really good score and decide to submit it.
Try taking a practice test on Khan Academy and compare the result with the average SAT score of applicants at universities in your list. If your score is significantly higher, appear for the actual SAT and submit the score.
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If it is not a major inconvenience for you I would recommend to take the tests. Personally, there is a substantial difference for my chances if I apply test optional or if I submit my scores. You can apply test optional still if a specific school has higher averages than you were able to achieve