2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Applying Test-optional

Hi! I have a 4.1 weighted 3.8 unweighted gpa but a 22 ACT score and I'm worried that this will negatively impact me getting into college. Should I apply test-optional or no?

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@maria20252 years ago

Hi! I would see how applying test-optional to the colleges you are looking at affects your admission chances. It really depends how exclusive your college is with those scores.

For example, The University of Texas at San Antonio's average ACT composite is a 21. Your 22 would look good for that school as it is above the colleges average. However, Harvard's average is a 33-35, which I would recommend applying test-optional then.

Hopefully this helps!

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3 answers

2 years ago

Your GPA and Test Scores do not tell the whole picture so if I were you I would use the CV chancing engine and put as much data as you can into the CV profile.

Obviously you have some course rigor because you have 3 point spread between your unweighted and weighted GPA, so you must have take honors or APs course. But since there is rampant grade inflation across the country I don't know how competitive your GPA is compared to other peers at your high school. Do you know your percentile rank? Are you in the Top 10% of students at your HS or Top 20%

Since your ACT score is very very average like the 63% percentile, that doesn't make you very competitive or compelling. Have you taken the SAT? I'd recommend taking a practice test of the SAT and see if can get your composite score in the 75%-90% percentile range like 1200-1350. That will help you qualify for more schools.

The other poster suggested applying test optional to Harvard or other Ivys. Unless you have the most amazing ECs and essays and recommendations and intellectual vitality, I don't think that I'd recommend you apply to any Ivys or Elites.

2 years ago

As I have discovered through my own process, it completely depends on the school. I attended an info session with American University yesterday, considered a prestigious university but not Ivy level, and the admissions counselor clearly stated to only submit SAT/ACT scores if they meet or are above the middle 50% of a given school’s range (which can be found online). So whether or not you submit test scores will depend on the school you are applying to. A 22 ACT (which is between a 1100 and 1120 SAT) could aid in your application to certain institutions, and hinder in others. But it’s important to remember that there is no harm in NOT submitting if your scores don’t reach the middle 50%. It’s not a cop-out, but an incredible opportunity for people who feel as though their test doesn’t represent them in the way they would like. I have been told this directly from the mouths of admissions counselors at every type of college and university. If you don’t submit a score, they will simply evaluate your application based on the information they do have: your transcript, extracurriculars, essay, and any recommendations and supplemental materials. What’s most important to remember is to put forward your best self, whether or not that includes your score on the test.

2 years ago

Hi there! I would recommend trying to take another SAT and see if you do better on that exam, just so that there is another metric to confirm your pretty good grades! (I think one of the other poster’s said this too, and this is a sentiment that I agree with!)

Also, I think applying test optional relies heavily on the schools that you are applying to. Compare your score to the middle 50 percent of the schools that you are looking at applying to. If it’s within that range (preferably at the 50th percentile or higher), then apply with your score as it will only boost your chances (and your good grades should help there too). But if not, definitely consider applying test optional. But before you do that, make sure that you’ve exhausted all of your options as applying test optional seems to be a good last resort.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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