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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP/IB classes?

My school doesn’t offer AP or IB classes and instead offers dual enrollment or CTE courses. I know many universities (especially those I want to go to) require or at least want you to take these courses, but if there is no way for me to do so, will my application still be considered and ultimately accepted? Also, does UCLA accept college credits from a dual enrollment course?

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5 years ago

First off, colleges want to see students taking the most challenging courses available to them - so you're correct in saying that they do like to see AP or IB courses, because those are generally the most challenging. However, since your school DOESN'T offer those courses, the colleges won't hold YOU accountable for that :) They get to see a "school profile sheet" that explains which courses are available to students at your high school, and then they'll evaluate your course load based on that sheet.

I don't know which schools you are applying to, but I'm positive that you will still be considered and very hopeful that you will be accepted to some! As long as you are doing well in classes, challenging yourself to the best of your ability (but taking care of yourself too), and you submit good applications with thoughtful essays, I think you will be fine!

If you are really concerned, you could always self-study AP course material (perhaps it even overlaps with your dual enrollment class material) and take the AP exam in a few subjects. This will show the colleges that while you may not have taken the full AP course, you learned the material in dual enrollment!

Re: UCLA accepting dual enrollment credits - it depends. If you took your dual-enrollment courses at a UC school or a California community college your credits will likely transfer. If not, it looks like UCLA will look at your dual enrollment courses and make a decision only AFTER you are accepted and decide to enroll. I included some links below that you can look at!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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