2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurricular application feedback and advice

How should you best describe your extracurriculars in common app. The dos and don’ts, and how to make them stand out. I would also love to know if my extracurriculars are competitive enough to get into school like Georgetown, umich, unc, ucla, UF, or tufts. If there are any specific things I should make sure to include in my descriptions aswell. Thank you!


- hostess at steakhouse: started may of 2021, about 20 hrs a week

- dance teacher: 3-5 year old class as well as 7-10 year olds, done for volunteer hours, 2 hours a week since august 2021

- assisted in the special needs class at my school every day, 125 hours so far, I am doing the program again this year. Went through application process if that matters

-biochemistry club historian for 2 years, been in club for 3, hosted a school science quiz bowl

-students against destructive decisions president elect (jr) and president (sr),been in the club since freshman year, hosted awareness weeks throughout the school year

- shadowed surgeon Dr. Brock over the summer, observed 2 surgeries so far.

- high school dance team- only freshman on competition team, 3rd in state pom category (varsity), drill down uda camp champion 2021, led fundraisers, captain( sr. Year)

- school theatre production freshman year (dance captain)

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2 answers

2 years ago

You want your activity descriptions to use action verbs and focus on your quantitative impact for the greater good. Specificity is the key to standing out with your extracurriculars. Beyond that having a competitive activities list is largely about which activities you have on there - your list as a whole should demonstrate that you are both well-rounded and have a spike.

I think that your extracurriculars are competitive enough, but you could improve two things. First, explain the tangible impact you made through each activity or its impact on you. For example, you could write that being a hostess at a steakhouse improved your interpersonal skills and ability to think on your feet. Second, you may need to add a few more activities depending on what spike you want to demonstrate. Your list as it stands shows a general spike in medicine, but it could be expanded by taking on more medical ECs if this is your main interest.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

This is a small part of my response to your excellent post. Not everyone can use interesting and distinctive elements in your document. I am very happy to play fireboy and watergirl with you because I am very interested in them.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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