2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will getting auto-admitted into UT Austin gurantee me admission into college of engineering?

I am aware that UT Austin auto-admits anyone who graduates at the top 6% of the graduating class from a public Texas high school. If I were to get auto-admitted, would it mean that I get into my desired major (aerospace engineering)? Or does getting into the College of Engineering require a full review of my application?

I am asking this because Engineering and Computer Science courses are very competitive at UT Austin and it would be unfair if all seats were filled by just auto-admits.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @Moksh191

From the UT Austin website they write "Even applications from students who are automatically admissible are subject to holistic review to determine the major to which the applicant will be admitted." So this means that while an applicant may get auto-admitted into UT Austin for being top 6%, they have to go through a holistic review process by the university. After this holistic review process, admits are sorted into specific majors based on their review results. The holistic review covers the following:

Class rank

Strength of academic background

Test scores

Record of achievements, honors, and awards

Special accomplishments, work, and service both in and out of school


Special circumstances that put the applicant’s academic achievements into context, including his or her socioeconomic status, experience in a single parent home, family responsibilities, experience overcoming adversity, cultural background, race and ethnicity, the language spoken in the applicant’s home, and other information in the applicant’s file

Recommendations (although not required)

Competitiveness of the major to which the student applies

I'm not familiar with how many majors you can prioritize so lets say it's 3 or 4. You might get into your 1st choice, or any of your other choices. And I suppose if you are not super impressive, you'll get admitted into Arts and Sciences versus say the Engineering School or Architecture School.

Good luck.

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