I am a rising senior and want to get a partial schedule for the upcoming school year. In my school, we have an a-day b- day schedule, which means we have eight total classes but four each day, and they alternate. I want to modify my schedule so I only have two classes on 'a' days, meaning I would have six total courses. My main reason for this is I want to be able to work. I question whether this will substantially impact college admissions, specifically UF, because that is where I want to go.
Hi @meh,
Taking 6/8 classes senior year would have little if any impact on your college application process to UF. I wouldn't worry about it. Just make sure you have met all the HS requirements for UF and met your HS graduation requirements.
Good luck.
Having a partial schedule will not negatively impact your chances so long as you continue to do well academically. If anything, it will make you a more unique applicant, and your commitment to working will demonstrate maturity while bolstering your activities list. If your work relates to your major of interest, that will look even better. Hope this helps!
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