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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If covid-19 prevented me from joining some extracurriculars, what should I do to make my application more interesting?

When Covid-19 had initially hit I was a freshman going into my sophomore year. My school wasn't ready for this and so extracurriculars were on a hiatus. As I came into my junior year of high I tried joining clubs, but sometimes sports would get in the way and I'd have to leave the program. So what can I do now?

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2 answers

3 years ago

I understand where you are coming from, this has happened to me as well. Most of my extracurricular activities have happened recently, youth leadership summer programs, virtual camp, etc... The good news is that colleges understand that Covid-19 has and still has an impact on us. But with that said, they do want to see growth beyond the classroom. Senior year will soon be upon us, all you can do at this point is focus on maximizing the time you have left. What is available to you at your school, home or/and community? Keep in mind, colleges take into account: work, family obligations like taking care of a younger sibling, projects that you have completed at home, etc... Ask yourself, what would I like to do that will enhance my abilities/skills, interest and at the same time will look good on my college application. You may want to speak with your school counselor for further guidance. You may also check VolunteerMatch for volunteer, and internship opportunities in your area. All the best! I know senior year and applying for college is so stressful, hang in there!

3 years ago

Very good article, give me a lot of good information. Please continue to share more as a blog. I have now saved it to my bookmarks so I can keep in touch with you.

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