2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does it matter which AP classes I take?

I am planning on taking AP environmental science and ap biology, however I plan on going into business or computer science. My school only offers APs in the math/sciences which is the reason I am taking them, but would taking bio/environmental science look bad if there not related to my direct interest? Should I instead take AP physics (more math) or AP stats or does it not really matter?

-it would be hard to change


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3 answers

2 years ago

Your class schedule should be comprised of two types of classes: classes related to your major of interest, and classes in different areas to show that you are well-rounded. This is because colleges want you to be well-rounded and have a spike at the same time. Just as importantly, your classes should be at the highest level possible at your school.

Keeping that in mind, it would be a good idea to take APES and AP Bio if you already have taken a few rigorous classes that are related to business or CS. Both of these classes would make you more well-rounded if you need that. However, you should swap one of them out for AP Stats - which is more relevant to your target majors than physics - if you need to develop your spike more.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

It shouldn't matter. You will be viewed along with others in your school and past acceptances from your school. As long as your schedule is similar to those, that's what matters. In other words if everyone from your school takes 5 APs and you took 1 AP, that might be impactful. But which APs they are should have no impact.

2 years ago

Taking AP Bio/ AP Environmental Science will not make you look bad, but you may/may not receive credit for them if there's no related course in your degree. You can check the degree requirements as well as the core curriculum on the university websites.

Next, check the courses covered at the universities you're applying to related to these APs at:


If you aren't receiving credit for an AP, there's no point in taking it. If you're getting credit for all of them, try taking something involving math(preferably stats) as it will help in both business and computer science.

Hope this helps.

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