2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will my class levels affect admissions?

I signed up for multiple honors classes for this upcoming school year but wasn't able to take one as it conflicted with my AP classes. The class I requested as a replacement is not being offered due to lack of interest. So now my schedule consists of 3 advanced classes (level below honors). All of these classes are only offered as advanced but there's no way for colleges to exactly know that so I'm nervous that it'll reflect poorly on me. I'm taking more higher level classes than advanced (2 AP 2 honors) but it's not much more. I've always taken honors classes and I want to know if this will negatively affect me. I don't really have much choice anymore as there are no more classes that are available at the honors level that are at all beneficial to me. I would just like to know the impact of this so I can discuss with my guidance counselor.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Welcome to collegevine and congrats on your first post!

Course rigor certainly plays a part in college admission, especially if you are applying to top colleges. However, the reason you were unable to take one more honors class was out of your control. You did not intentionally take a "lower-level" class.

Having said that, this will have a very small, if any, impact on your chances. Stop stressing about what you missed out on and focus on what you have now. Try your best to get excellent grades in the 2 APs and honors classes. Colleges want to see you challenging yourself and they know that not everybody can take 14 AP classes. So the fact that you are challenging yourself is more important and more valuable.

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions!

2 years ago

There's good news! Colleges will know that many of the classes at your school are only offered at the advanced level, since they will receive a school report from your guidance counselor that will explain your school's course offerings. Colleges simply want to see that you are trying your best to maximize your rigor given your circumstances, and you are doing just that. For good measure, I recommend explaining what happened with your class schedule in the Additional Information section too. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

It shouldn't. Sounds like you have maintained an above average "strength of schedule" overall. Colleges would only be concerned if you say took 2 APs each of your Freshman and Sophomore year and then your Jr year coasted and took no honors, advanced or AP. As long as it's not going from 100 to 0 you are fine.

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SAT: 720 math
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