I'm filling out my application to the University of California system right now, and I was wondering how many activities I should add. They give me the theoretical possibility to fill up to 20 slots. I think I could fill all of them with semi-relevant experiences, but including 20 items seems a little excessive.
Does anybody want to share some advice how many activities successful applications typically include?
Hi @taxi,
I agree with @ThatSnoozyKid! Don't feel pressured to fill out all 20 slots or even hit a numerical target in general when filling out the activities section. Pick and choose the activities that say something about you as a candidate, whether they communicate your interests, values, future goals, and ability to commit to a goal for an extended period of time. If an activity doesn't communicate one of those, or if there are already others that do a similar/better job on your list, consider leaving it off your list.
Hope this helps!
Hi, @taxi. In any college admission, there is no particular number of extracurricular activities that makes your application better than others; it only matters that the activities you include--and how you describe them--reflect the type of person you want to come across as in your application. Typically, it would make sense to include the activities where you have leadership positions, accolades, and/or a significant time dedication.
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Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.