2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I Major in Computer Information Technology (CIT) and Minor in Management (MGMT)?

I want to apply to Purdue University but they do not have my intended major (Management of Information Systems). Someone recommended majoring in CIT and minoring in MGMT as a good alternative.

If I decide to minor in MGMT, would it be more expensive? I am also planning on going to grad school in Europe.

I am also worried I will not be accepted as a CIT major since all of my high school classes have been geared toward business.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I would recommend checking out Perdue's website (here: https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/degrees/computer-and-information-technology) and looking at what courses a CIT major takes. If those seem aligned with your interests, CIT is probably a good alternative major!

In the vast majority of cases, minoring is not going to cost more. Tons of people fit a major and a minor (or more) into the credits covered by full-time study. However, if you do not complete your degree in four years, you might have to pay for additional credit hours. This is just something to keep in mind, given that grad school in Europe is often not funded for international students!

As for getting excepted to the CIT major, many students' highschool classes and activities don't perfectly align with their intended major. Think about how the skills you learned in those business classes (critical-thinking, statistics, etc.) apply and extend to CIT.

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