2 years ago
Admissions Advice

4+ Years of College?

I want to go into college with a bio on the pre-med track. I've found a variety of schools with great pre-med programs, but I've also found schools that offer programs with either six or seven years of school, getting both BS and MD degrees. I've done some research and getting a masters isn't needed for med school; however it wouldn't hurt. While these programs interest me, especially since they are accelerated and I like a challenge, I'm uncertain if I want to do more schooling than I should, since the medical field is already a long process and years of study. Any suggestions?

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@anikashrid2 years ago

Not sure what you mean by this being "more school" because BS + MD usually takes 8 years total and this is making it only be 6 or 7?

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Srfp_232 years ago

Undergrad is just the standard four years of college, and you can go to med school afterwards because it isn't necessary to receive a masters beforehand. Schools like Sbu, Pennstate, and Rpi have these BS + MD programs, and you are right it does take up to 8 years. I'm uncertain if I should do more than four years of college before starting med school, and if it's worth it.

@anikashrid2 years ago

MD is med school.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Srfp_232 years ago

I see. Someone told me it stood for masters degree.

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Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I've been thinking of the same thing as you so I might know a little. BS/MD programs are great (hearing from current pre meds) since it takes the stress away from med school applications and possibly gives you an extra year to yourself. But it depends on what you are ready for and what you want. Regular pre med may give you more of the "college experience" and you can still change if you don't want to be a doctor and want to pursue another major. BS/MD programs are more biding and although it is easier to manage in terms of applications to med school, it is basically biding and you should only do so if you are sure you want to go to med school. Basically if you really like medicine and are sure you are going to be a doctor, I'd say try for the BS/MD (BS/DO depending on what you're looking for). Hope this helps!

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