2 years ago
Admissions Advice

State Officer or STEM School?

Hi, I'm contemplating whether to run for a state officer position in a national business organization or apply to a prestigious public STEM school in my state which has an acceptance rate of roughly 15 percent. I would have tried my hands at both but if I was elected as state officer, I wouldn't be able to move schools. Which one would look better for college apps?

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2 answers

2 years ago

I would argue that the state officer thing would probably look better on a résumé compared to being admitted to a competitive high school. In fact, getting a certain set of grades at a better high school may be less impressive than if you achieved that same set at a lesser good high school. However, with better high schools you do get the massive benefit of having certain networking effects (i.e. smarter/more interesting peers) which you'd miss out on. I would personally advise for applying for both. If you're admitted to one of the two, you obviously do the one. If you get admitted to both, I'd go for the more prestigious high school.

2 years ago

I think It all depends on what grade you are in and are you more likely to win the officer position or get accepted into the school. If you are 11th or 12th, run for state office but if there is a very high chance you get accepted to the school apply. If you are 9th or 10th grader, apply to the school. The Stem school definitely looks better on college apps but it all depends on how you use your time there.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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