2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will this grade hurt my college chances?

In 7th grade, I took what was called a Credit By Exam to skip out of geometry and accelerate in math. The passing benchmark was an 80, and I got an 84 on the first portion and a 91 on the second. I was told that it would only go on my transcript as a pass/fail, but it now shows the 84 alongside my other grades as a course grade (I’m currently a rising senior).

Other than the 84, I’ve never received below a 95 in a class all throughout high school. I’ve taken the typical rigorous 14+ AP course load and worked hard to ensure I never got a B. Realizing that my 7th grade exam score will show up as a B feels really devastating (although it didn’t factor into my GPA). Will this grade harm my chances at elite universities? If possible, would be it help if I’m able to get the grade changed to a “CR/P (for pass)” on my transcript instead of a grade?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I believe it should have a minimal influence, if at all. Firstly, it is the norm for colleges to turn the blind eye to all middle school actions. You could win a national award or get suspended and they wouldn't see that stuff. Furthermore, it didn't even factor into your GPA and you are still a straight-A student with a really strong AP schedule. You are a competitive applicant; go crush those essays.

2 years ago

To add to the other answers, colleges do not take your middle school grades into consideration. Even if they did, one or several Bs will have an inconsequential impact on your chances. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Colleges take into consideration your GPA and SAT/ACT scores (if you submit them). They will also take a look at your transcript to see what courses you took and how well you did in them.

Based on the challenging classes you took as well as you maintaining 95+ grades, one "B" isn't going to affect what you overall present when you apply to your schools.

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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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