4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I mention that I'm an introvert in my research program application?

Hello, I'm applying to a competitive research program in my state. I was thinking about being honest and mentioning that I'm an introvert. Should I admit it and say how I grew to know that you have to take risks or should I not mention it. This was what I wanted to say... "As an introvert, it has always been difficult for me to face my own challenges. However, as I continued my high school career, I realized that I had to take risks." Should I put it or will it affect my chances??


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3 answers

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago[edited]

I don't think mentioning your tendency to keep to yourself is a positive attribute when competing for a research program. If it doesn't add to your application, you don't need to bring it up. Even though much of the work itself can be completed alone, I think the organizers don't need to know anything more than what your merits explain assuming you can show your ability to collaborate, share, team-build, and be transparent. I think it's important to work on it privately because if you truly want to apply to an MIT or CalTech they prefer to advocate for top applicants who thrive in a group effort. JPL is a collaborative effort as well as many of the research labs at MIT. No one builds the next-gen particle accelerator alone in a vacuum. I mean you could but the probabilities are exponentially increased if it a hive mindset. So good luck with the application and do things outside your comfort zone to overcome your shyness or openness. Maybe find an online group that likes to play the same video games etc.

4 years ago

Not so much that way but it can be like I lacked motivation to interact with people blah blah blah etc

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