2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are my EC's good and do I have a spike

HI! I am a current Junior in high school, and I am trying to decide on what my "spike" is. I am really good at and interested in a broad selection of areas, but I know this approach won't serve me well when applying to college. I am not sure what i want to do yet I have a few ideas like computer science, marketing, business, real estate. My dream schools are CU Boulder, Colorado State University and Denver Univeristy I also might apply to more prestigious school like univeristy of texas at austin.. I am working on crafting my extracurricular resume, and I want to see how i'm doing and how I could improve and create a "spike"

Here is the list of EC's I am currently engaged in:

- I play football and was freshman, JV team captain I also play football at a different school than I go to

- Founder and President of football Club

- I am President of Ultimate Frisbee and I am trying to get a competitive team

- I am running a Broncos Blog

- I do a club called Knowledge Bowl where we are back to back state champs and we placed 2nd in nationals freshman year and 5th in nationals in 10th grade, I might get co-captain

- I am a member of coding club

- I volunteer at a place called precious child

- I have a part time job at topgolf

- I also do FBLA

- I have a 3.8 GPA and I have taken 5 AP's and I also got a 1270 on PSAT 10

I am trying to get DECA started and an entrepreneurship club, and may be get an internship, and I will do my best to get into NHS.

Thank You So Much


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey @Swayam_Jain17,

Your resume honestly is pretty great and this is pretty hard to say since you really are an amazing-rounded student but I don't think you have a spike. When I look at your resume, I can see you do a lot in different areas but I can't see any specific area that you're interested in. Basically I don't know what you want to do in life. So if you do want to create the spike in your profile, you gotta focus on one area and just expand on that area. Although you don't know what to do yet, I'd say start exploring more and find that thing you're interested in pursuing and just do as many things as you can that is related to that. Say you want to code, you can create a coding club outside or create your own games. Something along those lines. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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