2 years ago
Admissions Advice

what is tier 1 extracurriculars

i have good gpa sat scores but my extracurriculars are weak so would like to strengthen it

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4 answers

2 years ago[edited]

Tier 1 isn’t as hard to get as you would think. Just do what you are passionate about at the highest level. However, it is important to get an early start-there are not a lot of activities where you can join junior or senior year and be Tier 1 without practice or prior experience. There is one exception of course: crew. To quote my friend, college scouts simply ask the question, “Seen a rowboat before? Touched an oar? Okay, welcome to college!” Rowing is such a tough sport to enjoy that there aren’t many competitors for you. Thus, going to nationals in crew is much easier than in swimming for example, but looks just as good to colleges. Try it out!

2 years ago

Tier 1 extracurriculars are ridiculously hard to get. It like scoring top 1% across the nation at a competition or something. You should look at doing quite a bit of community service for a certain organization or cause. A leadership position on a club or a job would also be strong extracurricular. Colleges want to see you put effort into something that you don't really have to do.

2 years ago

Hi, @thejasmath. Under CollegeVine's Chancing Simulator, you can view the descriptions of Tier 1 extracurriculars in various areas such as Clubs, Community Service, and Non-Art Competitions. As @liv.luv.life pointed out, you will probably notice that they are extremely difficult to achieve, hence, their prestige. You can certainly still try though. However, remember that Tier 2 (such as a leadership position in a club) and even Tier 3 extracurriculars are still valuable to your profile. You can also see the descriptions of those extracurriculars--as well as how much they would improve your admissions chances at various colleges--with CollegeVine's Chancing Simulator.

2 years ago

There are plenty of extracurricular activities even if you don't play sports. Community service clubs are always a safe route to go and will look good on any college application. If your school offers BETA club or any clubs similar to that it would be smart to start there.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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