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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP/IB Phycology

So I just learned that what used to be AP/IB phycology is now just IB phycology, I was gonna take the course for AP credit but I guess I can’t now, any tips or advice? Kinda bad but I guess it is what it is. I guess can I get IB credit for just that one IB class even without taking IB path and can that work instead of AP? I also now need to make up some of the AP stuff that isn’t covered in IB which is odd. Guess I should talk to my counselor too.

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2 years ago[edited]

Hi, @Eric_White. Do not worry, taking IB Psychology does not look bad at all! AP and IB courses are both viewed as the most rigorous type of high school classes students can take. Plus, applicants are never faulted for not taking AP classes which are not available. If you are interested in psychology, go for that IB class! :)

🎤2 years ago

Yeah I know that what I am interested in is getting college credit for it so I don’t have to pay for those credits in college or can sub those credits with elective credits, I know both are good and hard and that’s why I am gonna keep doing it. I know why they discontinued the AP… people were doing it just to get the college credit but didn’t really care and because it is “AP” today was they first day and they literally announced that change just today to everyone and not just the few who got emailed. I was gonna use AP CS as a general college elective if possible at a college and AP phycology as the intro and whatever else I could so I didn’t have to pay and then I would talk to the college advisor to see if I could replace those with phycology electives though not sure that’s how it works.

2 years ago[edited]

@Eric_White, right. As long as you are applying to colleges that accept those credits for IB Psychology, it is probably worthwhile to take the class. You can always look at colleges' websites to see what specific credits IB Psychology and AP Computer Science could replace. Best of luck! :)

🎤2 years ago[edited]

Yep that’s why this is so much fun. Thanks!


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