2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is not taking a math junior year going to hurt my chances at T50 schools?

I’m a rising junior in highschool and I decided to take French 4 Honors instead of a math class. I really wanted to take AP statistics, but I am already taking 4 APs. I’m taking AP stat my senior year, but I am concerned that this decision will hurt my chances at college. I intend to go pre-law, so majoring in poli sci most likely. So, math doesn’t really matter to my major. Side note: should I just take AP stat as a college course this year?

@thabet2 years ago [edited]

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@CameronBameron2 years ago

@thabet Thanks SPAMMER

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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @Carina,

Thanks for your Question.

To maximize your chances of meeting the academic threshold at all T50 colleges, you really should aim to have a total of 4 years of math.

If you are a class short you can always take Pre-Calc or Calculus over the summer. It doesn't have to be an AP class, but you should have 4 years.

I consider Stats sort of psuedo-math-core class since it has more practical world application to business, economics, or science majors vs. being pure math. Most successful admits will have 4 years including some sort of Calculus.

You should know that college admissions officers know that on average college students will change their major 3 times. So it's not a good assumption that just because your HS narrative aligns with your intended major it makes you competitive when so many other applicants have 4 years of math. Given the choice of only picking one, I think most AOs would like to see 4 years of math versus 4 years of language.

Good luck.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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