How valuable is receiving a National Recognition award from the College Board program? Is it worthy to include in college applications or will it not really make a difference?
Hi @aspiringchemeng
Thanks for your question. It's a good one.
Each year there are probably 35,000 or more highly qualified persons of color who come from underrepresented groups who are also low-income or first generation (to attend college) that DO NOT apply to top 50 colleges because they feel they are not wanted there or just are ill-informed about their role at these great schools.
The truth is that Top50 colleges want you. So signaling that you have an award or honor from the College Board is a way for you to tell colleges that you are either Black, LatinA, Indigenous, or come from a small town/rural area.
Sharing this information alongside your Demographics and any mitigating circumstances in the Additional information section of the common app, helps college admissions officers weigh on how best to help you get to the best college that is looking for you.
Alternatively, if you are BIPOC, low income, and first gen, I highly recommend that you apply to the Questbridge college match program which closes in about 4 weeks. Look into that.
Good luck.
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