I am in high school (10th grade) and I would love some advice on how to prepare for good universities and tips to put myself in a good position for good opportunities.
Hey! I'm also a 10th grader, and what I learned from my older friends last year, is to join many extracurricular clubs and push out of your comfort zones. I have also learned that apply for as many scholarships as you can. I would also volunteer in anything you are interested in, it would look good on college applications.
Hi there! Id recommend throwing yourself into things you like and expanding upon your skills, dont forget service hours and volunteer work, you can do simple things at your school to rack up hours. Also take some art classes, theyre worth the while and you can use it to pad your application if youre applying to a school that allows portfolios
But dont stress it, dont overwork yourself too soon, burnout sucks hardcore
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Since you're in 10th grade, you should think about how to set yourself up to excel in your extracurricular oppurtunities. If you explore deep enough you will find many oppurtunities (Leadership, competition, etc.). Drop the clubs you don't really want to do, and try to get some leadership in the clubs you do do. Try to make it to the next level of competition in a competition. Think about the rest of your high school plan, talk to your counselors about oppurtunities as well. Good luck!