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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I had a setback in my senior year and scored just 75% but i have great scores in all other three years of my high school

I had a setback in my senior year and scored just 75% but i have great scores in all other three years of my high school in India, i have financial problems and had to tutor and help my mom in her business and classes shifted to online this whole situation caused the setback in my grades.

I have some ec's like national level french competitive exam, and under-17 basketball competition, i also did volunteering in my society in covid times, and was student council ( only 5 members) all 4 years, i also was leader of stem and cs clubs. i can't exactly calculate my percentages to gpa, but if taking a-4 b-3 c-2 type, i have 3.8-3.9 gpa? I want to goto Yale is their any chance i get admission. also one more point to help my family and not cause financial burden i have took gap year, and i passed out from high school in 2022 july, and will apply in 2022-23 batch. PLS help

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@Aerien3 years ago

If you are talking that you have only 75% in your 12th grade, you are not suitable for Yale because if you had terrible grades in any of this 9th, 10th, and 11th, they would have seen that you progressed up to 12th. Still, your graph is declining, and If you have national-level extracurriculars, they can't guarantee your admission because they will see you as a decreasing student. I suggest you apply to a safer school like George Mason (full-financial aid). Yale see research, not extracurricula.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nipun_XD3 years ago

but those grades were because i had multiple issues and i worked at that time too, don't they acknowledge that i have some work experience as well, i would get good score in sat too, a semester can't be very bad, i still have an cumulative average percentage of all 4 years around 90%. Research is very tough to do in India even in most undergrad colleges, and I am not an IB board student as well

@Aerien3 years ago

Bro, I know you can show that you are capable at your work, but If you can't show them that my graph is increasing, they will not agree with you. SAT is not an essential aspect for colleges now because there are a lot of students who are toppers in SAT exams. USA colleges look only at the 12th-grade percentage as an essential aspect for Indians, my friend from India got terrible grades in 9th and 10th, but he managed to increase his 11th and 12th grade, and he got selected.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Nipun_XD3 years ago

hmm, man i really want to get into top college, this covid situation was not enough that is also caused my dad unemployment for a year financial difficulty, online classes and work were hell of a task, ig atleast i can still try, many times luck just comes our way uk

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

There is a possibility, however, that your GPA is low for such a high-level college. Due to your drop in grades in your senior year if there were a specific reason for this it would be important to write about that in your application. If a family issue made it so you could not put forth your best, it would be very important to tell the admissions that. I don't know what all of your other factors are, such as extracurriculars, AP classes, and community service, but if you have a lot in these factors it may be able to save you if you have competitive factors in these areas. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hi @Nipun_XD!

Are you asking for your chances? If so, I'd recommend using our Chancing Engine (link in the sidebar). It'll compare all your information to the average accepted students at Yale and have access to more data than I could.

That said, keep in mind that Yale is extremely hard to get into (especially as an international student). So make sure you have a balanced school list with decent backups. You should also be careful about how you use your gap year — try to dedicate yourself as much as possible to your extracurriculars, so colleges see that you've put the extra time to good use.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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