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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does a planner really help manage time efficiently?

A pretty simple question but since I'm having trouble with time management recently as my workload is increasing, it's very helpful to get some feedback about planning things out.

edit: thank you everyone for all the feedback and votes!! :)

Bullet Journal/Online planning/other works better (pls comment)
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2 years ago

From my experience, having a planner on hand is really useful. When you don't write things down, you might forget something, leaving you not as much time as you might have needed to complete it. In the planner, you can plan how much time you'll have to do homework nightly. So if you have 4 hours to complete x amount of assignments, you can divvy up the time among the assignments. Smaller assignments might need only 10 minutes while larger ones might need a full hour. I would also leave some time at the end just in case you misjudge an assignment's time.

I use google calendar for my planner. I input all of my classes and repeat it on every school day. Then when I have an assignment, I list it in the description section of the correct class for that day.

Time management is something you'll have to practice, it isn't just acquired when wanted... Just find a method that works for you and practice it DAILY! But I definitely recommend using a planner/calendar in the process.


2 years ago

In my opinion, having a planner can always help. I used to have terrible grades and I rarely remembered to do homework. I was good in exams but my grades were low because I didn’t do homework until I got a planner. I think I wouldn’t be top of my class today if it weren’t for my planner. I don’t recommend buying a cheap planner though. My planner was pretty expensive but it had literally everything in it and that helped me a lot.


2 years ago

From my experiences a planner is a must have. I like to bullet journal in my free time but it kind of works like a roadmap for me, where I can plan out my assignment daily and focus on completing those assignments ahead of the deadline. It works to give me a goal to complete for the day basically.


2 years ago

I think planners are very useful but I also think that To Do lists for everyday are even more useful. Having a planner, If you can't remember things well and need to have help remembering all of the times for like classes and such then that will be the best option. But with To Do Lists, if you can remember things in your day well or don't need to put things down for a specific time and just put what you need to do for the day or week then this would be the better option!:)

Hope this was helpful lol


2 years ago

The main task of a good planner is the ability to manage your time with proper planning.If you like to keep everything under control and you have a lot of important tasks that need to be prioritized, a planner is the right thing for you.I've used both a paper and an electronic planner. The paper one has its own kind of charm, I like to take notes by hand, since I practice writing. But the electronic one is also quite functional. I spend about 5 minutes in the evening planning for tomorrow, and about 20 minutes a week planning for the month or quarter. It makes me more focused, in the morning I start with the things that are my priority first, while not forgetting the smaller things. Anyway, I recommend it!


2 years ago

I don't usually need a planner, but when I have too many things to keep track of, I just write it on my hand with sharpie. For me, it feels nice to be able to cross stuff off and look at the things you've done.


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