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2 years ago
Admissions Advice


These are the most current transfer rates I pulled off of CDS' for T40 schools.

I'm providing these to give seniors some context to not getting into their dream colleges and settling in at a target or safety for a year. In some cases, transferring is not a good prospect. But for many schools waiting a year and transferring is sometimes 2 to 3 times easier than applying as a first-time incoming freshman.

School Name Acceptance Rate Transfer Rate Applications Admissions Enrolled Yield Rate

Yale 4.47% 0.75% 1991 15 13 86.7%

Harvard 3.19% 0.82% 1957 16 14 87.5%

Princeton 4.36% 1.33% 1350 18 14 77.8%

Swarthmore 6.95% 1.63% 430 7 7 100.0%

MIT 3.96% 1.67% 1437 24 20 83.3%

Stanford 3.86% 1.68% 3265 55 65 118.2%

Williams 8.51% 3.00% 500 15 7 46.7%

Bowdoin 8.92% 3.05% 164 5 2 40.0%

Georgetown 12.11% 3.24% 2655 86 56 65.1%

Rice 8.56% 3.75% 1227 46 30 65.2%

Caltech 2.98% 3.94% 127 5 4 80.0%

Brown 5.03% 4.30% 2746 118 78 66.1%

UPenn 6.14% 4.58% 3516 161 118 73.3%

Duke 6.17% 5.42% 1274 69 32 46.4%

Wellesley 13.01% 5.69% 246 14 9 64.3%

Columbia 3.73% 6.05% 2150 130 100 76.9%

JHU 6.48% 6.80% 1927 131 69 52.7%

Amherst 6.93% 7.02% 470 33 19 57.6%

Tufts 9.00% 7.28% 1237 90 35 38.9%

Pomona 6.03% 8.39% 465 39 12 30.8%

Dartmouth 6.24% 9.89% 435 43 24 55.8%

CMU 11.26% 11.27% 1233 139 79 56.8%

Boston College 16.50% 12.75% 1874 239 80 33.5%

NorthWestern 7.00% 13.05% 2965 387 226 58.4%

Cornell 6.91% 15.72% 5908 929 655 70.5%

Vanderbilt 6.13% 17.55% 2450 430 240 55.8%

Tulane 10.00% 17.99% 1601 288 88 30.6%

UCLA 8.56% 19.63% 28645 5622 3435 61.1%

UC Berkeley 11.40% 19.69% 22206 4372 2660 60.8%

NorthEastern 6.79% 20.38% 3248 662 384 58.0%

Barnard 8.00% 22.08% 865 191 112 58.6%

USC 11.88% 22.11% 9988 2208 1353 61.3%

Notre Dame 12,87% 25.74% 1076 277 224 80.9%

WashU 10.00% 26.35% 1108 292 99 33.9%

Emory 14.39% 33.74% 1633 551 215 39.0%

UVA 18.68% 35.91% 3364 1208 758 62.7%

Boston Univ. 14.15% 36.64% 5751 2107 802 38.1%

Georgia Tech 17.00% 40.72% 2601 1059 788 74.4%

NYU 12.21% 41.47% 7906 3279 1405 42.8%

UMichigan 18.87% 41.50% 4942 2051 1407 68.6%

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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