2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take AP Computer Science A?

Hello everyone,

This sophomore year, I had planned to take AP Computer Science A in school. However, due to a scheduling conflict, the course has been dropped from my schedule. It lefts me with 3 AP courses in 2022-2023. My schedule for 11th and 12th grades is tight because I have 5 APs in both years. It might be possible to add AP Computer Science A into one of the years. However, I don't think it's worth the extra effort and time because I also need to prepare for the SAT and applying to colleges. Additionally, I wish to pursue a double major in liberal arts, such as Economics and Political Science. So it isn't necessary for me to take AP Computer Science A; I chose it because AP courses are limited at our school and I have some space this sophomore. Should I take AP Computer Science A in the future as I am unable to do so this year?

@adamjames2 years ago [edited]

Well, honestly speaking it totally depends on you, because you have to further study it. Before joining seoagencyireland I took computer science and completed it in the same year because I wanted to start working in my field as soon as possible.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think that taking AP Computer Science A is not necessary for you. 5 AP classes a year in 11th and 12th grade is enough rigor to be a competitive applicant at any school. Since you are also planning on majoring in the humanities and social sciences, you do not need to take computer science classes to develop your spike - you just need to take a few STEM classes in any field to show that you are well-rounded. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

You could consider taking it online this year if money is not an issue. Take AP exam in May 2023. One option is https://www.ucscout.org/courses/ap-computer-science/

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