2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What programs/activities are good for someone who wants to go into engineering or CS?

Hey!! I'm currently a sophomore and want to pursue CS or engineering (STEM) in the future. I live in the Bay Area and applied for a Berkeley STEM program but was rejected :(

Are there any other great programs that are still taking applicants that would help me?



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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I agree with the answer about the FRC First Robotics, but if you're planning to start your own, it's better to have a larger team and more people working on fundraising/grants since attending competitions is very costly (travel fees, hotel, participating fees, transportation, etc). To get a sense of how costly it is, a team of ~50 students in a class/team at their school needs something like 100K more than the baseline funding from their school. Plus, you need people on the electrical, mechanical, and programming subsystems as well as non-technical jobs such as finances, fundraising, communications, advertising, scheduling, etc. Then, you probably need to get a teacher or adult(s) to mentor your team, plus you'd need to buy expensive materials/equipment. I'd also like to add that the Bay Area has a ton of really REALLY good teams, so it's really tough competition (something to keep in mind if you want to create your own team). Those reasons are why people usually just join their school team. Most schools in the Bay Area that I know of (public + private) have a Robotics class/team that participates in the FRC. They can reuse the materials/resources left over from last year and they have a built-in system of teams and subteams. As a sophomore myself, I know how valuable time is, so I would recommend you join your school's Robotics team if there is one.

Also, there are quite a lot of engineering/comp sci/stem courses available at prestigious colleges (MIT, Stanford, Duke, Harvard, etc) over summer that you can take. The sign-ups won't open until around winter-ish, but you can join the mailing list so you get alerts for when specific programs are open to sign up (mailing list link usually found at the webpage's footer in either the Contact or Mailing List section). In addition, if you have time, you can see if you can apply for an internship. Try looking at this link and see if you find anything interesting: https://library.fiveable.me/career/jobs-internships/companies-that-hire-high-schoolers/blog/Jan9Z7qJAsrbOCMniAD1 (or you can just search up "Tech internships for high school students" or something along those lines)

A little tip of advice I learned is to either spend a lot of time with and ask a lot of questions to your counselor or to dig around your school website. I found that my school website had tons of good "Summer Opportunities" and links to programs updated yearly that nobody ever mentioned before! Here's some of the links from my school's website:









Sorry that was probably an awfully long read so here's the TLDR:

TLDR: For FRC, either have a decently sized team or join your schools team. Find tech internships. tech/engineering/CS summer camps at prestigious colleges. spend time w/counselor or explore school website

Best of luck!

2 years ago

Hi there! I know the other two commenters mentioned First Robotics, which is a very expensive robotics program and a much harder program for someone just starting out, but there’s also another robotics competition called VEX Robotics. In VEX, you can get a kit or buy separate parts, but I would recommend getting a kit and then buying extra parts as needed, and then you build a robot to do the challenge for that year. I have been doing VEX Robotics since 7th grade, and it is definitely a cheaper option which requires less team members, if robotics is something you’re interested in. It is a very big competition as well, so you might already have a team at your school, or are able to find a nearby team outside of your school that you could join.

If you are looking for internships, I have tried to find engineering internships for high schoolers, and they are super hard to come by, and the ones you can find are very competitive. I would suggest looking at local engineering companies in your area and emailing them to see if they offer any internships.

I know someone else already said this, but summer programs are definitely a great option! Lots of colleges offer them. There’s one I went to this summer at Arizona State University called the Summer Engineering Experience @ ASU or SEE@ASU. Not only was it very educational on the types of degrees offered in engineering, but I also made some amazing friends. It is especially good if you do not know what you want to major in, but you know you want to do something engineering or computer science related.

Overall, I would suggest looking for programs in your local area because there are probably some good ones out there that just require a bit of digging to find. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

One engineering program is first robotics. There are team of high schoolers across the globe and every year they build robots to compete in competions. Its an awesome program and you gain a lot of pratical knowledge. You should check out the teams in the bay area and jojn one of them or start your own. Another program is ace mentoring. Professionals go to local high schools and guide them in designing there own Architecture/engineering projects throughout the year. Vex robotics also has high school roboitcs competitions you can compete in. Hope these help.

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