2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are my extracurriculars good for selective schools like UMIAMI?

I don't have too many extracurriculars, but the ones that I do take part in I have a pretty good background with. I'm currently a junior who is planning to major in computer science.

First, I develop games and am an expert with languages like C# and Python. I do this mostly for fun but I have published an indie game with over 10,000 downloads and I look to continue making more of these games. I also am considering offering to create free websites for non-profit organizations, although I have not done any of that yet.

I also have over 200 volunteer hours at a local animal rescue shelter. I have always loved animals and pets and I will continue to volunteer there for as long as I can.

I also play basketball at school. In my freshman and sophomore years I was on the JV team, but this year I was moved to the varsity team. However, I am nowhere near the best player on the team.

I also joined a club back in my sophomore year that spread awareness and did fundraisers for cancer and other diseases. I never have been more than a member.

Finally, this year I signed up as a peer advisor to underclassmen. My goal is to help them throughout highschool and make sure they make the best decisions possible.

That's it, though. It is nothing insanely impressive, but I'm hoping it will be enough to get into at least a top 50 university. My GPA unweighted is a 3.5 and my SAT is a 1480. I did not take any APs my freshman and sophomore years, even though they were offered, but I am taking 3 APs this year and am planning to take 3 more my senior year. Thank you all!

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4 answers

2 years ago

Most schools evaluate students as a whole rather than focusing on a particular area. You are a well-rounded student and apply in confidence. Make sure that you also apply to a few safety schools.

2 years ago

Your extracurriculars look very competitive!

2 years ago

You sound like a well-rounded student who is a hard worker, as are most of us on this site. Apply with confidence and try not to worry about it too much. It's more than likely you will get into a university that you are happy with, especially if you carefully design your list while weighing the 3 main factors of attainability, cost, and preference. Good luck!

2 years ago

Hello, I’m sorry that I can’t necessarily answer this fully because I’m new to the website and a HS student. However I would like to take a moment to acknowledge your achievements, you are actually doing quite a lot and seem successful in what you’ve done. You have already displayed incredible drive and independence( 10,000 uploads is a lot, especially for a student) I love your idea about helping nonprofits with their websites. It might be worth your time to try and find an internship with a company or web developer that already does this so you can be gaining experience and learning from them at the same time. Don’t be afraid to ask a counselor for help getting started on this (they should definitely be able to connect you with someone) Also you might want to consider becoming a mentor/assistant for at program that teaches coding to elementary or middle schoolers if your area had one. I love that you are volunteering for your local animal shelter, it is so beneficial for both you and the animals. If it’s a passion to be working with animals and you have time maybe start volunteering for another rescue or non profit in your area. Overall you are doing and excellent job and seem to be on track. I wish you luck!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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