Stats: 3.71/4 UW GPA, 6.6/7.0 W GPA (top 15% of class), 1470 SAT
Extracurriculars are solid. I can write a strong essay.
Intended major(s): economics and possibly music performance
Rutgers New Brunswick
University of Florida
University of Georgia
Florida State University
I'm hoping to not just get accepted into these colleges, but possibly their honors programs. Especially for UFL.
Well if your extracurriculars are solid and can write a good essay, then have confidence in yourself and you can do this. I would recommend raising your GPA, 3.7 is good but not ideal. SAT score is solid and the major you selected isn't the hardest to get into. Just focus on your GPA for now, good luck and hope I helped!!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
I'm afraid I can't raise my GPA for primary applications anymore, I'm a senior. I have some extenuating circumstances I can list, though, and thank you!!