I got my rank today and I want to apply to different mid tier schools/ state schools (what I'm trying to say is that I'm not really applying to super prestigious schools) I got my rank but idk if should send it or not, what would be considered a "good" or "Ok" or "sendable" rank? (My school does percentage)
Top 27% is good, but it's hard to gage exactly without knowing your other stats or which schools. For example, I'm applying to Florida State University, and in their common data set, it says they consider rank "important." On the other hand, University of Florida doesn't even consider it. To view this type of data for colleges you're interested in, just google "(name of college) common data set" and scroll to section C7 once you find the document. I think CollegeVine lets you view this info on your college list sheet, too.
It depends on the size of your graduating class. Ranking 100th in a class of 800(top 12.5%) is better than ranking 50th in a class of 200(top 25%). Apart from exact rank, Common App also allows you to report class rank in decile(tenths), quartile(fourths), or quintile(5ths).
I'm not sure whether you have to report your rank the way you got it(exact rank). You can verify that with your counselor.
Hope this helps!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
Thank you so much! My graduating class is 901 and I’m 27%