My school offers around 18 Ap classes and I plan to finish with 7 meaning I took 1/3 of them is this good do you think and almost all the rest of my classes are honors.
Different colleges will view your course rigor differently. For your local state school with a 70% acceptance rate, taking any AP classes at all might look impressive.
For the Top 10 schools in the US, 7 APs would be seen as decent, but not ideal. Most of the students who are accepted to these schools take between 8-12 APs by the time they graduate. Their schedules look something like this:
Freshman year: 1 AP (usually AP Human Geo)
Sophomore year: 1 AP (usually AP World History)
Junior year: 4-5 APs
Senior year: 4-5 APs
Taking more than 12 APs is possible at some schools, but it gives a small admissions boost for a lot of extra work.
Since your school offers 18 APs, I would recommend adding at least one more to your schedule if possible. Hope this helps!
I think this is great! A lot of schools look into AP classes and extracurricular activities so I think you’re on the right path!
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@AlexanderOddo I defiantly will try I took Ap bio my freshman year because I didn’t like my te Agee but I might try to take one online or a 3rd one just was worried about overloading myself senior year