2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I Get an Advertising Degree, Art Degree, or Business Degree?

Hi, I'm a senior interested in pursuing a creative career. I'm artistically skilled and consider myself a smart person, which is why I think a career in marketing or advertising is a right fit for me.

I would prefer to attend a large school and major in something that combines design with business. I want to earn a degree that is actually useful, impressive, and applicable to a wide array creative jobs in corporate America.

Should I pursue an undergraduate degree in advertising/marketing or should I look into more specialized areas like statistics or design/visual communication? (Or should I double major and study a combination of art and business?)

Also - if anybody knows any specific schools that properly prepare their students for a creative advertising career, I would really appreciate your input! (I am lucky enough to be able to prioritize education over tuition, so feel free to give your raw input instead of worrying about cost)

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Here's my advice.

I'm also a senior who wants to do business, but a BBA isn't that useful in the long run. I changed my major from that to economics, which is still applicable to the MBA I hope to pursue, so you can absolutely do statistics, econ, design communication, or anything useful to your career. Social sciences/humanities are most common for pre-MBA students, which makes the "specialized" majors you listed perfect. They will lead to specialized career opportunities for you. Meanwhile, as a business major, you'll only have an advantage due to already having done some relevant coursework.

After getting your bachelor's, you can get an MBA in marketing or whatever you decide. Granted, you'll be looking at 6 years in college rather than 4, but it'll ultimately give you more job opportunities. I would suggest going to a cheaper school for now since it doesn't matter where you go for undergrad, gaining experience through internships/jobs, then looking at top schools for your MBA in 4 years.

The best school for undergrad will depend on your state, but after looking at Niche.com I can see some of the best schools for the majors you mentioned might be University of Florida, UNC if in-state, UT Austin if in-state, and Georgia Tech as well as University of Georgia. They're all cheaper but great schools. You can also just go to an art school. Only you know what you're looking for in a school, so research them yourself - cost and rank don't make a good or bad school.

Good luck!

2 years ago


I am Senior too and I understand your plight as even I am seeking for a school for a combined program for CS, Business and Design. What I have discovered it that in most private colleges, you will be able to craft your own path in terms of your majors. An easy way to find out which schools have the best programs in both is by doing a QS Rank search of the top 100 colleges for both Business and Art. Another thing you can do is email admissions counselors of your preferred universities as they can guide you on whether they offer such combinations or not. You may even get the same result by signing up for the university newsletters and choosing both Business and Art as your preferred choice of major. USC has a program in its IY Academy for Business, Tech, and Art.

Hope this helps!

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