2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I figure out my major?

I'm at Junior at the moment and I've been thinking about college for a long time. I have a completed school list and already know which college I want to go to. I have two options for majors that I might go through with, psychology or criminal justice. I either want to be a student assistant coordinator at a high school, or a defense attorney. I understand that these are very different but I just feel so lost as to what I should do after I graduate. I honestly don't know what environment would be right for me as I feel I would really enjoy both.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi @mpancoast!

I'd recommend applying with psychology for now (assuming your classes and extracurriculars don't make you a better pre-law applicant).

To be a lawyer, the most important training you'll get isn't in undergrad — it's law school. And since most law schools don't have required courses (like a psych grad program would), you'll have more flexibility to explore in undergrad if you major in something else.

You'll still want to take law-adjacent courses in political science, history, or philosophy. But you won't need a specific major, and you'll have more freedom to explore a variety of departments. I'd recommend sticking to a psych program your first year, while taking courses and mock trial on the side, so you can make a final decision later in college once you're more familiar with each major.

You don't have to decide your whole career while you're still in high school. Instead, you'll have plenty of opportunities while in college to find out what you like and slowly work towards a more set career choice. If you're currently undecided, then I'd go with the option that gives you more choices later on.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

2 years ago

I suggest shadowing people involved in both these majors so you can get a feel of what it is like. You can also ask professionals in these fields on their experiences, advice, or opinions. If your still not sure, just pick one major to go with and you can just switch your major in college later on if you want. You can also double major if you want :)

2 years ago

You're a junior, so don't sweat it too much, you have time to think about it and decide. Meanwhile, I would focus on any extracurriculars related to these majors such as mock trial or community service clubs. If you're not taking related courses like AP Psychology or law electives, I would sign up to take them senior year or at your next opportunity. By focusing on the experiences you have around these subject areas, as well as researching programs at colleges you want to go to and careers, you can likely decide by the time you're filling out your applications in a year.

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