Hi! I’m graduating my junior year of high school because I already know what I want to do which is become a nurse and during my senior year I would only be taking two classes. I plan on going to the community college in my state and i’m just worried about being rejected from the nursing program because of how badly I performed last school year even though I am a honors/ap student but I do intend on proving myself with this school year I am just worried about how the admissions would feel about that.
It depends on what college you want to get into. If you want to get into UPenn Nursing, Duke, Vanderbilt, Emory, UMich nursing, or NYU, then I would take not graduate early and instead take more course rigor and look for dual enrollment courses you can take at your community college in Human Anatomy, Physics, Stats, etc. If you had bad grades, that's already a major strike. And graduating early I feel is the 2nd strike because all the applicants applying to the best nursing programs have better grades, and better course rigor.
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