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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Could I really get into UT Austin?

I'm a sophomore in high school, with a current GPA of 3.9. I do pretty well in school, having mostly high A's or low A's. I don't want this to be a chance-me question, but is there anyone who could tell me how to improve in order to get to my dream school? Preferably someone who got in, but any advice could help. I'm taking two honors classes this year, Geometry and English, and I am a part of my school's newspaper and photography group. I'm a certified lifeguard and I'm hoping to start volunteering at a homeless shelter soon. I'm a half white/half Hispanic girl from a fairly wealthy income. I don't have much going for me other than the fact that I'm academically gifted. I was born in Austin, and I go back all of the time because I'm enthralled by the city. I just can't get enough. Could anyone tell me things I could be doing to help get in?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

For a 10th grade, you are on a good track, but once you get into junior year, things start changing. UT Austin's admission process is weird in that if you are in the top 6% of your graduating class in TX, then you you get automatic admit. However, if you aren't in top 6%, things get really tricky. UT likes to see that what you did in high school matches your prospective major in college, so if you're doing newspaper and photography but want to go the college of natural sciences, then...., you know? UT is really big on high school being what you do in college, or at least what you plan to do. So my advice is, if you're in texas, first, try to get that top 6%, so you can automatic admission to the university. And even though you won't automatically get accepted into your major, you can list 2 other majors your interested in that more or less matches your application, making it more easier to get into UT. Second, make sure your activities and academics match what you want to do in college. If your school offers AP, take those advanced classes, especially in your 11th grade and in classes that match your major. If not, take the most rigorous possible, and if you take an extra step to self-study for an AP exam (you can try to do one right now if you're up to it, but don't have to). or take dual credit on your own, that would be brilliant. In your activities, I would say at least 4 activities you list in the application need to be related to your major-you can still have other interests like your newspaper and photography, but just make sure at least 4 activities are major-related. Also, if you're applying through CommonApp, UT Austin doesn't look at the personal statement. They have their own set of short answer questions and an essay question you have to answer (you can just copy and past your personal statement if I were you). I'm right now applying to UT Austin, I've learned all of this over the past few months. Thx for the question, and good luck in high school and in your applications (please don't really stress about college until your summer going into senior year at least. Live your high school life! You'll enjoy it more.)

2 years ago

well considering all of the activities you are doing, sure! i hear a lot colleges appreciate that; and keep in mind you are a minority (white-hispanic which btw please use that to your advantage). so maybe. you seem like you fit the criteria.

2 years ago

Academics is a very important part of your application, but that doesn't guarantee admission. There is an auto-admit policy for Texas high school graduates(top 6%), but even then, the major you get is subject to a holistic review.

If possible, getting a leadership position would help improve chances of admission. Leadership roles can be in literally anything. Apart from that, your ECs look fine.

Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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