2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Economics/Finance internships for high school student

I am a high school student in the DFW area and I am wondering if there are any good internships related to economics, or how to find good internships.

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@AdithyaU062 years ago

So am I! Please let me know if you find any. Thanks!

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4 answers

2 years ago

This CollegeVine blog post lists internships related to business, economics, and finance. You may be able to find an internship in the DFW area by checking the Interns4Good link in the article. The rest of the internships are in other states, but since they take place during the summer, you could do them while living in temporary housing. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

As an HS student, you will not find one anywhere in the US unless you have a close family friend or relative that is an Economics Professor who is willing to take you on as an unpaid intern for a project.

2 years ago

I would recommend looking for finance startups in your area and cold-email them for an unpaid internship role. There are also a number of virtual internships on sites like AngelList if you want to participate in a virtual internship.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

I'm not in the DFW area, so I can't help too much with specific internships. However, if you'd like to find some, try researching some of the companies around you and emailing them. That would be a good start.

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