2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is USC BCA worth the risk? Or should I play it safe and apply as a Business Administration major?

I know I want to study business in college, but I also may want to incorporate my passion for film into it. USC's BCA major seems like the perfect major for me but it only takes 55 applicants a year. Is it worth taking the risk to apply for this major or should I play it safe and apply for Bussiness Admin., where the chances of acceptance are much higher. (My personal statement revolves around my passion for filmmaking and how I've grown through the films I've created. Also, my dad is a professor at USC, if any of this will help increase my chances). From the things I've read online, however, Business Admin. sounds like it may not be the best major to study because it covers such a wide variety of subjects and doesn't focus on one specific area. Would it be better to major in Business Admin and minor in film? Or should I try and major in the BCA program?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I'm applying for BCA as well lol. From what I've heard, they do only take 55 students but the major is so under presenting by the school that only 500-800 students apply each year. Honestly, it doesn't hurt to try especially if it's the major you really want to attend the school for. Plus business admin as a second choice is perfect as they accept a lot more people and who knows, maybe you get accepted to that. That's my take on it.

2 years ago

I think it would be a great idea to major in Business Admin and minor in film. If the program only takes 55 applicants a year, the chances of getting in are extremely slim. On the other hand, Business Admin program takes way more applicants so it's way safer. And even though Business Administration is a broad major, it means that you can go into a broad field of work or even get a higher degree later on that pinpoints a specific field. Good luck!!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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