So so far throughout high school I've taken around 6 ap classes including junior year. I plan to take around maybe 1 next year. My school offers 18. So If I took 7/18 ap classes at my school with the rest being honors is that good course rigor.
That is a great course rigor! By demonstrating to schools that you have taken almost half of the available AP classes at your high school, you show that you are willing to take on the challenge of a harder course. I think you'll do just fine in that regard. Just don't forget to note how many AP classes are available at your school on your applications!
Taking 7 AP classes and taking honors throughout high school already shows that you're committed to your academics. However, there are also people who take several AP/Honors and pass with low grades.
In a lot of the information sessions universities and colleges provide, there's always someone who asks if getting a lower grade in an AP class counts against them (since they still tried and took the class). Those admission representatives typically respond with "Get an A in that class".
In my opinion, a good course rigor includes classes that successfully challenge you but you also master it by the end of the course.
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