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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is the admissions information up to date?

I'm applying to colleges in the fall and just want to make sure that things like the average test scores and GPA are not out of date since they look a bit different than ones that I've seen that include the 2020/2019 applications.

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3 answers

5 years ago[edited]

Most colleges put their latest data on something called the Common Data Set which is searchable. So if you search on the University of Michigan common data set you should be able to find the scores and GPA UMICH submitted as official scores for 2019/2020. Most of the information you are looking for is in Table C. Admissions Data. There you will see all the different criteria the college uses for admissions and all the raw data for the stats they publish. Alternatively, you can search each college using the search term University of Michigan Class of 2024 profile, or University of Michigan Freshman Profile. Sometimes you'll get results like a short article in the college newspaper with all the latest admit stats.

5 years ago

Hello there! Our data on GPA and test scores is based off public data (Common Data Set, IPEDS). That data is then adjusted by ethnicity, based on the data we have from working with thousands of students.

Other data that we show about each school (enrollment, diversity, graduation rate, etc.) is from IPEDS 2019.

We are always keeping our data up to date and appreciate your question! Feel free to reach out to us again if you have more questions or think there are issues with the data.

5 years ago[edited]

CollegeVines data should be true especially for the more we’ll known but let’s say small X catholic school may not be up to date but all ivy+ schools (mit Harvard Stanford rice etc) should be up to date along with all flagship public schools

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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