Hello everyone,
I am an Iraqi student wanting to study abroad. I'm currently working on my Common App. And I encountered a question that asks about the number of courses I took in my most recent school year, the name of each course, and the level of each course. And that confused me because I don't really know what they mean by "courses". I don't know how the education system works in the US but the way we have it here is that we have seven subjects in senior high school, each subject has a textbook which is divided into chapters, and each chapter talks about a certain topic in that subject (for example we have the physics book is divided into 8 chapters, the first talks about capacitors, the second talks about electromagnetic induction...etc, you get the point). When I try to choose a course in my Common App, I see that math for example is like 7 different courses (pre-algebra, algebra...etc.) but for us here we just have a single textbook called Math, and it has 6 chapters, each discusses a section of math. Or for example when I choose physics in my Common App, I need to type the course name, same as math, we just have a textbook called Physics. So my question is, what do they mean by courses? Is it the subjects? If it is, then do I just write the course name as physics? And what do I do about math when it's 7 different courses in the Common App? And if it's the chapters, then they're limited to 15 in the Common App, and if I want to count the total chapters I studied this year in all subjects they'd be 39. So what exactly is a course, and what should I write as the course name?. And also, what is the course level? I know these are a lot of questions but I'm really confused, and I would appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you for your time!
All of the answers here have great points! My advice would be to refer to your transcript first and foremost. If you do not have one or it is in a format that is very different from the Common App options, then talk with your guidance counselor about what your school counts as a class.
If you cannot find an official answer from your school, @Anonymous123's method will certainly work. In any case, there is not too much pressure to report your classes perfectly. Colleges will refer to the official transcript that your guidance counselor will send to answer any of their questions. Hope this helps!
In the Common App, courses mean subjects. My case was similar to yours. Although I'm not from Iraq, I think the system is really similar across Asia. For Math, you can choose the subject as Math(Other) because you'll most likely have a lot of different topics (not exclusively calculus). In the course name, type in the subject name. In the course level, it really depends on your curriculum. Based on your description of Physics, you can put "AP" under course level. I can't say anything about Math or anything else without knowing what chapters you have.
Hope this helps!
I think this is a bit too complicated for me (or anyone else who isn't super knowledgeable about the processes of international students) to answer. But since no one has yet to respond, I will try to give a suggestion. Do you have a transcript? (essentially a document noting every course you have taken and the grade received) If you do, that is probably what the Common App wants you to enter, if not, I am not sure. I believe the Common App has an FAQ or a place where you can ask questions. You can also call guidance councilors at schools that you are looking into or talk with a guidance councilor (or a helpful adult) at your Highschool. Hope this helps!
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Well, then I'll be using @Anonymous123's method because I certainly won't get an answer from my school.What about course levels? Here, we don't have different levels of courses or subjects. You can't add, remove, or replace things as you wish. It is just one curriculum for each grade. How do I know it's level compared to the high school classes in the US?